A boy with braces on his teeth brings a paring knife to school to help him eat his apple. Is the knife a weapon? The boy threatens another child with the knife poking it at his face and taunting him. Is the knife a weapon? Should the boy be reprimanded? If so, how?
A boy brings a peanut butter sandwich to school for lunch. Is the sandwich a weapon? The boy threatens a peanut allergic child with the sandwich, poking it at his face and taunting him. Is the sandwich a weapon? Should the boy be reprimanded? If so, how?
The results in both scenarios could be dangerous or even life threatening, but does the sandwich scenario sound silly? Unfortunately, I know this has happened and it is very serious. People have strong opinions about how to handle situations like this.
What do you think?
It is bullying, pure and simple, and should be dealt with as severely as if the child were threatened with a weapon. The knife is harmless until it is used to threaten harm, and the sandwich is the same – except the perpetrator of one crime can eat his weapon and the other guy can’t.
Thanks for your comment. Too bad all weapons aren’t edible…